53 Main St • Hebron, CT • 06248

The Royal Treatment Rose Bouquet

Item # 15-M9
The Royal Treatment Rose Bouquet
Bouquet size

Product Details

The Royal Treatment Rose Bouquet delivers your message of love in a whole new color palette thats becoming a most popular choice for Valentines Day... and with its companion - a sparkling treasure your love is bound to cherish forever - your gift will make their day. Our finest roses in shades of lavender and pink and accented with lush greens are arranged in an heirloom quality vase of heavy, amethyst cut glass. This uniquely elegant way to express whats in your heart on Valentines Day, Mothers Day, anniversaries, or for a special birthday celebration.

Yes, add these items to my gift (optional)

The Royal Treatment Rose Bouquet
Mylar Balloon
The Royal Treatment Rose Bouquet
Box of Chocolates
The Royal Treatment Rose Bouquet
Plush Animal
The Royal Treatment Rose Bouquet
Latex Balloon

Substitution & Delivery Policy

Orders must be placed before the following times for same-day delivery: Monday - Friday: 1 pm EST Saturday: 12 pm EST We cannot guarantee requests for a specific time of delivery. To guarantee the freshest bouquet possible, our florist may replace some stems in your arrangement for color or flower variety. While we always do the best to match the picture shown, sometimes different flowers and vases may be used. Any substitution made will be similar to the original design and be of equal or greater value. Your understanding is greatly appreciated.

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